My Purpose
support those who wish to expand their ministry and serve in the music program, giving them the space to learn, while providing them compassion and understanding as they grow in a new ministry.
I also enjoy working with children, youth, and adults, helping them to discover and develop their God given talents. I enjoy preparing children and youth for contest, auditions, etc. and teaching them Piano, Organ, and Voice.
As you can see, God had and still has a plan, slowly developing a willing vessel. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows the path of our lives before we do. We only need to keep our focus on Him, asking for a glimpse of what He has in store, so we will stay on the right track to accomplish His will in our lives.
I love serving and encouraging others to glorify God by using and developing known talents and discovering new ones He desires to give them, whether in business or music. My purpose is to continue to grow in God's grace, seeking His will for my life, using the gifts He has given me to the best of my ability, encouraging others to excel in their work, to grow in their walk with our Lord and Savior, and to allow God to use them in ways they have never dreamed. My continual prayer is for my life to be a living testimony of what is possible with God if we only believe.
In His Service,
Linda A. Hazelip
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